The Scarecrow
THE SCARECROW by Stewart Giles (Jason Smith #18) When a body minus hands and feet dressed like a scarecrow DS Jason Smith knows he and his team will have their hands full. Who would do such a thing and why? The policeman keeping the crowd back isn't too helpful and Smith finds his superior to get rather a surprise. When another similar murder comes through it appears the killer may be a do gooder albeit of a murderous nature. Why on earth are they dressed like this and why are there missing parts? This is one of a series but would stand happily alone, that said why miss out on the others? Oh boy! Stewart has done it again. Within a few pages I'm hooked, drawn in and not wanting to put this down (real life sadly gets in the way sometimes). The skill of a brilliant author to create not only tension but something that grabs you, hook, line and sinker. I like Jason and Whitton (as he insists on calling his now wife) and there's a wonderful backstory to give depth to the two ...