Someone is Lying by Heidi Perks
Someone is Lying by Heidi Perks-psychological thriller A belter of a read, one I raced through. Jess has brought up her daughter Issie alone for many years as her husband left to go to the states with his ex wife. Issie and Jess have always been close, that is until Issie met Dylan, her boyfriend. The caring conscientious girl rapidly changed and has now gone travelling with him. Jess calls Issie on her birthday and can't get hold of her. It's her eighteenth so she may be off enjoying herself but when call after call goes unanswered and it appears Issie’s phone is off, Jess begins to worry. The local police are unhelpful as Issie is abroad and is now technically an adult. Jess tracks down Dylan's mother who is also little help and Jess feels that she is hiding something. What has happened to Issie and why? OMG! There are certain books where you hold your breath right the way through and this is most certainly one of them. I was riveted and would have read this in one sitt...