The Bitches of Suburbia -Jane Owen-4*
Suburbia- or a rather exclusive version of it nestled on a hilltop overlooking the sea.  Keeping up with the Jones’ is mandatory for Hillary who left her checkout job when she won several thousand on the lottery and bought her house there. She has no comprehension of debt, mortgages or in many ways real life. When she is invited to parties she arrives in what she thinks are the “latest” clothes. To everyone else they look like fancy dress. She wants her house and her clothes to look like those around her and of course things just don’t work out as she anticipated. Mutton dressed as lamb and a house that is akin to a building site. This is a wonderful light hearted read and at times you feel sorry for Hillary however she is her own worst enemy and won’t be guided- she just longs to fit in. Characters that come to life that you just can’t help smile at and a plot that weaves it merry way just when you thought all was settled. A well written easy, enjoyable read to brighten your day .

I voluntarily chose to read this ARC and all opinions in this review are my own and completely unbiased.

The Bitches of Suburbia

Nothing much ever happened on Horseshoe Lane - why should it? It was, after all, just a normal suburban backwater with the usual cross section of growing families, ageing pensioners, the occasional singleton and a brace of curtain twitchers. The arrival of celebrity couple, Heavenly and Travis, however, changes all that. This glamorous pair bring about a summer of competitive party throwing and ambitious home improvement projects that will have disastrous and completely unforeseen consequences.  

Neighbours who’ve got by for years with just the occasional chat over a garden fence about the unseasonable amount of rain or the state of next door’s garden are slowly united by suspicion as a husband goes missing, a much loved cat turns up dead on a doorstep and Enid from Number Seven is found badly injured at the foot of the cliff.   

Could one person be responsible for all of this? Could that person be the strange and unlikeable Hilary Jones from Number Nine? There was only going to be one way to find out and it was going to involve a lot of whiskey….

In this her wonderful follow up to ‘The Rock Star Known as Horse’, Owen’s riveting new story finds a murky side to the suburbs, a side where petty jealousies and neighbourly rivalries can escalate out of all control with calamitous results, all intricately observed with her usual dark humour firmly to the fore.  

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About Jane Owen
Jane's first novel, Camden Girls, was published by Penguin twenty years ago and quickly became an international cult bestseller published in many languages including Japanese, Spanish,German, Hebrew, Italian and Dutch.  She'd already spent many years working in the film business working alongside stars such as Christophe Lambert, Andi McDowell, Daryl Hannah and James Remar before switching to the music business and working for bands such as The Who, Robert Plant, ZZTop and many more.  Eventually, even that got boring and that's when she wrote Camden Girls.  

After publication, life became interrupted by an unfortunate traffic accident and Jane moved out of London to Sussex and slowly returned to writing.  Her novels don't fit into any specific category and, frustrated by endless rejections along the lines of 'You write beautifully but we don't know how to sell this book' she started self publishing.  Rave reviews gave her the confidence to keep going and believe in what she was writing.

She's still in Sussex, sharing her life with her musician partner, three horses and a dog and divides her day between writing and riding.  


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