The Perfect Teacher by Kelly Golden
The Perfect Teacher by Kelly Golden- psychological thriller Frankie's daughter Jenna hasn’t come home from school, however she is 16 and more than capable of sorting herself out. Other than to her helicopter mother who still calls her “ her baby”. On investigating further Frankie finds out that the school has hired her arch nemesis from when she was at school, someone the whole family steered away from. Frankie is now convinced that Georgia Smith has a hand in Jenna’s disappearance, putting into action what she threatened years ago. Alternate chapters take the reader Now, After and Before written from differing perspectives-on differing timelines. Sounds confusing but it really isn't, it's easy to follow. “After” is someone in prison, we are not quite sure who or why until later in the book and “Now” being mostly from Frankie's perspective. This gives an interesting POV which varies and kept me hooked right the way through. The chapters are short and snappy and there ...