Becoming Ted by Matt Cain


Becoming Ted by Matt Cain- Literary Fiction

Oh wow! One of my books of the year. A read I loved from the start and didn’t want it to end.

Ted has just split up from his husband Giles, much to Ted’s surprise. He found pictures of Giles with another man on his phone in more than friendly positions. Ted has been with Giles for a long time and it was his first proper relationship. He works at his parents company and shop- Ainsworth’s ice cream, which he has never dared to tell them he doesn't love as much as them and he doesn't even like ice cream. Slowly Ted realises his life isn't what he thought it would be and splitting from Giles just might encourage him to follow his dream of becoming a drag queen. Egged on by his best friend Denise he tries out heels and more. On the way he discovers more about himself than he ever thought possible. Who is the real Ted and is his dream just that?

Oh be still my beating heart. I loved Ted so much I wanted to give him a hug. This is a read about far more than a story, it's about life and being true to yourself not living the life others may choose for you. About not feeling guilty and being grateful to others for things that should be taken for granted. Something some of us sadly don’t realise until much later in life. There’s nothing wrong with dreams and whilst not all of them may be completely achievable the fun on the journey can be immeasurable. Thank you Matt, you’ve reaffirmed a few things for me, things we all should know but often forget in the busy-ness of day to day life. More than a book, this is a life affirming read for everyone. Be who you are, One life live it. 

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