Living On A Rainbow

Living on a Rainbow- Calvin Wade 5**

H tells us of his life growing up. Always with his friend Andy by his side. The book starts with Andy sitting next to H on a viaduct with H deciding what to do with his life as he has just found out something about his wife that he wished he hadn’t. He then begins his story, telling of his childhood, his much adored father and of his first sexual encounters, all laced with a little humour. You can’t help but love Calvin’s characters and I am sure like me many will be reminded of those we have loved and lost. Written with such warmth that just occasionally a tear was brought to my eye. The depth to the characters oozes through the pages and you could imagine them as a friend or neighbour, so vivid are the pictures painted. If you, like me, have never listened to “I Giorni” then please do. Music flows through this book and some really stand out- this being one of them. Even if you don’t know what this piece “stands for” it is an evocative piece. Thank you Calvin for introducing me to it. “Those who care too much” really resonated with me and I had to smile at the “those who don’t give a s**t leading  the pull yourself together campaign”.  I cried at “Remember” and I laughed at “the blue ridge mountains”. I didn’t want this book to end. Calvin you have a wonderful , brilliant talent. I award very few books my own special 5** rating and this deserves it in spades. Thank you so much for a truly brilliant read.


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