DEADLY LIES a gripping detective mystery full of twists and turns

Deadly Lies- Chris Collett- 4*  
A man is found with a needle in his arm and a note by his side. Tom Mariner is not far away and so goes to investigate. To his surprise it is someone he saw in the pub earlier that evening. Something doesn’t quite ring true about suicide and so begins an interesting investigation. Mariner is a likeable character who comes across as tenacious along with a little humour. I normally like some background to the main characters but with this there was enough to be relevant but not too much to distract. I found myself racing through this to find out what had happened- always a sign of a  good book. A clever plot, excellent characters and that “je ne sais quoi” that keeps you turning the pages.  I look forward to more from Mariner and Chris. A very enjoyable, entertaining read.

I voluntarily chose to read this ARC and all opinions in this review are my own and completely unbiased


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