
Showing posts from September, 2018
Positive Insta Challenge
The Man You Meet in Heaven- Debbie Viggiano- Hattie Green has a life, a job and a boyfriend. A life that she would like to be rather more exciting, the same with the job and the boyfriend. She left her husband when she found him in bed with her best friend. When she collides with the baked beans in the supermarket she is transported to a different place and meets Iam- otherwise known as Josh who tells her she has several things to learn to change her life and get the life she deserves. How to live life and forgive herself along the way. Something we all should perhaps take note of. When things go wrong and we take ownership for other peoples misdemeanours. This is one of those books that not only makes you smile but has wise words along the way. I loved the idea of “ essence of rainbow” Pretty much does what it says on the tin. Love it.  Riding and nuzzling a unicorn. Hey this is fiction- enjoy it! . This is light romance but most of all, a truly he
After He died-Michael Malone Paula is at her husband’s funeral after he suffered a heart attack whilst out without her. She is finding life difficult without him by her side. They have had their ups and downs in their thirty year marriage like most other couples but now she feels bereft . A stranger at the funeral whispers in her ear and puts a note in her pocket saying “Do you really know who your husband was?”. This sets off a chain of thoughts and memories of events that leave Paula wondering even more especially when she keeps getting silent phone calls. Tommy had two brothers, one whom Paula is quite close to and who is a priest Joe. She turns to him to try and help and only finds more questions than answers. When she decides to meet the woman who put the message in her coat, her life changes in a way she never thought possible. Oooh…. I knew that there was something, just something I hadn’t worked out. Like Paula I couldn
Beardies' World- Joyce Ives   Beardies' world is almost an autobiography. “Written” by the Bearded Collies belonging to Joyce and John Ives. From 1986 through to 2012 we learn of their lives their antics and more. For anyone who has ever owned a dog knows that there are the highs and lows. Of puppies being puppies and dogs rolling in things you would rather them not, to the endearing love that having a dog around means. That special bond- when a dog knows you are ill or upset by themselves, that instinct that kicks in. A dog will go to someone in tears over someone smiling- they don’t like disharmony in any way and get to know their owners feelings sometimes better than the owner  does. Joyce begins by explaining Rainbow bridge- something most pet owners are all too familiar with and the loss we feel when we lose them. This may be about Bearded collies but is really the diary of a dog owner and could be any breed. Each has its own characteristics but
The Fake Date-Lynda Stacey - Ella finds herself unable to move laying in a field. Her is badly injured and only remembers a little of what happened. A blue car, a hoodie, very little more other than the man she went on a date with. She is a reporter and she wanted to get a story so she set up the date hoping to find more about the man whose two wives both died shortly after they were married. On recovering she tries to pick up her life again but finds it difficult and is not surprisingly wary of everything and everyone. Rick owns a gym and whilst he has been held in detention his brother in law has been running it- unfortunately running it into the ground. This gripped me from the start. Ella was a strong person and many of us know what it is like to be flattened in some way (even if not quite so dramatically). Although strong underneath she needs support from family and friends to get back to how she was, or almost, still having that very aware conscien
Snowed In at The Little Duck Pond CafĂ©  -COVER REVEAL************** The biggest snowfall in years has blanketed Sunnybrook, cutting the village off from the outside world. For Fen, who finds herself snowed in at The Little Duck Pond Cafe,  it's little more than a minor inconvenience. Her love life is finally running smoothly; it looks as if she's found the perfect man for her. But then a shocking secret threatens to destroy Fen's new-found happiness. Will being snowed in be the final straw? Or will Fen find a way through the snowdrifts to the perfect love? Pre-order Link - Author Bio Rosie Green has been scribbling stories ever since she was little. Back then they were  rip-roaring adventure tales with a young heroine in perilous danger of falling off a cliff or being tied up by ‘the baddies’. Thankfully, Rosie has moved on somewhat, and now  much prefers to write romantic comedies that melt your heart and make you smile, w
Haircuts hens and homicides- Stephanie Dagg- Megan has had to dash to France after the death of her Grandmother. Her mother disappeared many years ago and has never been seen or heard of since. Having just finished her job, going to France gives her a much needed break- to sort out her grandmother’s estate before returning to find a new job.. She starts by taking a hen to the vet which introduces her to some of the villagers. She volunteers to cut a lady’s hair as her former job was a hairdresser and suddenly everyone wants her services. When a body is added to the mix, Megan has her hands full. As you can tell this is a lighthearted look at life. A pick-me-up- but one I didn’t want to put down as it made me smile so much. I could see this as a TV drama, The Good life crossed with ‘Ello ’ello and a Year in Provence perhaps. Sometimes we need to read about the funny side of life and how mishaps can be turned into a smile. A little romance, a little drama a
The Lion Tamer who Lost- Louise Beech- -Contemporary Fiction A stunning read of a book- a very different love story. Of lions and relationships of the past , the future and the present . Ben is in Zimbabwe with the Liberty  lion project. Whilst there he has time to think about his life- and Andrew. Chapters alternate between Ben abroad and at home so we learn about his relationship with Andrew as well of his past life and his relationship with his father, having lost his mother to cancer many years before. We know that something went wrong between Ben and Andrew but not what until later on.  This is a descriptive read- which I enjoyed- without being too over the top. The descriptions of the lions and how they are being looked after is magical for any animal lover. Ben has a secret, one that made his Uncle commit suicide and one his Father will never speak about- so he doesn’t know about Ben. Andrew is a writer of children’s book- his current one being “Th
Silencing Anna by Sadie Mitchell. (Trigger warning: Domestic abuse, coma, anger issues ) Anna is in hospital after a fall. She is trapped inside her body as she can’t see, speak or move but can hear. She was found almost dead by a hotel worker in the bathroom having hit her head on the bidet. The thing is that the police think that her boyfriend James was the cause of the fall and it looks like he is going to be prosecuted for attempted manslaughter. Whilst Anna is in this trapped, frustrated state she takes us through various parts of her life- university a nd how she met James. The story of her first love Dylan and how things have now changed . The progression from being trapped to being able to squeeze someone’s hand for the first time and signal yes and no accordingly. There is more to James and his parents than meets the eye. OMG. One of those reads that makes you slightly anxious whilst wanting to find out what happens next and if justice is served.
Ravens Gathering- Graeme Cumming Martin has returned home. Home to a place that is now very different. We don’t know why he left but get the feeling that it was under rather a cloud. On his return his father sends his brother over to the pub to make sure that they don’t give him a room for the night- they have told him that their house is already full. He comes across Tanya who has guest accommodation . They take a walk into the woods and see the ravens gathering- the name of the village. What does it mean? Peter working on the land saw a few ravens and before he know it despite him being so very careful the tractor he had been driving  a few minutes ago literally ploughs over him. This has the feel of a dark read from the outset. Hitchcock’s The Birds easily comes to mind for those who remember it(the book even mentions this) A slightly horror, dark, sci-fi read with a touch of mystery and crime - a book that truly crosses the genres. A village that you get the feeli