Only in Whispers by Jacquelina Grima
Annie has recently split from her controlling husband David and is living with their
young son Spencer in a house owned by him. She wants to get divorced but he is
reticent to do so saying it would be better when their son is old enough to
understand.  Annie’s brother and wife are about to have a new baby. Her aunt,
whom she and her brother Matthew spent time with when they were little,
appears to be suffering the first signs of dementia and is getting very
confused and saying things that Annie is starting to put together. Annie finds
that odd things are reminding her of her childhood and when they were taken
to her aunts by a social worker as their mother was in hospital and hence unable
to look after them- not that she really did anyway as after her brother was born
she barely got out of bed. This book has an air of mystery without being one to
make you anxious as do some psychological reads. A comfortable read with
something hidden that keeps you turning the pages to find out how things fit.
I took to Annie and felt for her predicament in more ways than one as many
others might - a well written character,  A highly enjoyable read.
For more reviews please see my blog http://nickibookblog.blogspot.co.uk/

or follow me on Twitter @nickijmurphy1

Jacqueline Grima has recently completed an MA in Creative Writing at Manchester Metropolitan University. Her creative work has appeared in a variety of publications and, in 2014, she was shortlisted for the Luke Bitmead Bursary Award. Only in Whispers is her first novel. Follow Jacqueline on Twitter @GrimaJgrima and read her blog at www.jacquelinegrima.wordpress.com


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