
Showing posts from May, 2019
The Wrong Direction by Liz Treacher -Historical literary fiction (Sequel to “The Wrong Envelope”) Evie and Bernard are now married and living in London away from Evie’s familiar territory of Devon. They are not well off and Evie is struggling to get to grips with being a wife and housewife after previously working. All the jobs are now being given to men and women are at the back of the queue, especially married ones. She throws away a whole trout “as she doesn’t like the look on it’s face” !! This is 1920 and it is wonderful to read of a life which by today’s standards is so simplistic and it can’t help but make you smile (and wince) at how different things are. Even the dialogue is different in many ways to how we speak and think today. The blatant sexism Evie encounters even at Cambridge. This is the second in the series and does need to be read in conjunction with the first book. A husband who is struggling to give up his previous lifestyle whilst bei...
The Binding-Bridget Collins- Historical Fanasy Emmett has been chosen to be the apprentice to the binder. He leaves home when he is still recovering from an illness that has laid him up unable to work for a while. Once at his new position he finds out more about binding and that it is not just books that get bound. This is one of those reads that somehow captivates you form the start without really knowing why- there is just that something about it that keeps the pages turning. Emmett is a likeable young man albeit naive in the ways of he world and most certainly of the world of binding that he has entered. Perhaps it is that unknown quality that w e want to know more about , that suspicion that all is not quite as it first appears that keeps us there.  There has been much publicity and talk about this book and I can see why. even the cover is captivating and beautiful. A very clever plot- I won’t give anything away other than to say ingenious! How s...
Breakers by Doug Johnstone-Crime /contemporary urban Tyler is a good guy at heart. He is still at school himself and takes care of his younger sister Bethany affectionately known as Bean, as their mother is more often than not the worse for wear on either drugs or vodka or both. He has older siblings in the form of Barry and Kelly (who are in a relationship). Barry is a bully and will knock Tyler about for the slightest thing . Barry rules with his fists. In order to survive in the easiest way possible the three of them break into houses in the better parts of the area. They need Tyler as he is small and can get through fanlights, although he is getting bigger and doesn’t want Barry to bring Bean into this. Tyler does his best and really wishes that he  wasn’t involved in housebreaking. One night things take a different turn and Barry pulls a knife. The recipient is the wife of the local gang lord and revenge is on the cards. Tyler meets a friend in the m...
Bonnie & Stan-Anna Stuart- Contemporary Love story A love story with a difference- I’m not into out and out romance novels(this isn’t- there is far,far more) but this is one unique read. Bonnie and Stan are in their seventies and abou t to finally build their dream home. Bonnie was a architect and having bought the land many years earlier they can now build for their twilight years. Stan has had to go the the hospital and has some bad news, news that Bonnie is determined to fight. They met in the 1960’s and the book alternates between then and now to tell us the story of their lives. Having been together 50 years they are soulmates and Stan is determined that Bonnie won’t be left alone so with the assistance of his granddaughter he tries to find a suitable companion for Bonnie for after he is gone. Oh my heart! This is so beautifully written. I almost wanted to meet both Bonnie and Stan they are such endearing characters each with their own stre...
THE TEATIME MYSTERY by Faith Martin Please note this book was first published as “JUST NOT CRICKET” under Faith Martin’s pen name JOYCE CATO. Jenny Starling is travelling cook and this time she is preparing the tea and evening buffet for a village derby cricket match. As soon as some of the ladies arrive she begins to hear village gossip and whilst baking she overhears various bit and pieces. When the match begins some of the talked about characters arrive and one person in particular is despised by several people for various things from having an affair to losing money on investments. As ever when a body is found there is a predicament of not only who could have done it but the impossible how- until Jenny’s eyes and ears get to work. A second murder which at first appears unrelated adds to the excitement. I love this series. A book you know you can settle down with comfortably with nothing to give you nightmares or put you off your dinner. A homely char...
The Promise Between Us by Barbara Claypole White - Women’s fiction Kate suffers from OCD and anxiety, something she developed after giving birth to her daughter Maisie. This led to her leaving the family home as she was so fraught that she would do something to harm her child. Ten years later she is working as a metal artist and accidently comes across her daughter who appears to have similar symptoms as herself. Can Katie help Maisie and prevent her having the mental illness that has taken so much from Kate’s life?OCD is far more than “just having to have the towels folded a certain way”. For some it is a never ending cycle of anxiety that dominates their world and this book portrays this well. “ “If you leave your newborn child because you have unstoppable thoughts of harming her, are you a good mother or a terrible one? “ . You can’t help but feel and want Kate to overcome her issues. The book is written from the viewpoints of the main characters so ...
Hunter's Force by Val Penny- Crime/Police procedural   A young woman is found horrifically mutilated in a young man’s flat. The young man in question is Cameron and his father just happens to be in the police. He says a large man brought the woman there a few weeks ago and gave him money to feed her on the orders of Cameron’s boss who owns the flat. On questioning the owner knows nothing about the woman. Detective Inspector Hunter Wilson wants to head this up himself rather than call in MIT. A man is released from prison and being collected by his son announces that not only has he bought two very profitable betting shops whilst inside but that they are moving into a 12 bedroomed home. Someone however wants Hunter out of the picture and when things get rather rough he decides things have to change. This is a series of crimes and suspects cleverly intermingled. I liked Hunter- a force to be reckoned with and a personable one. This is numb...