That Night-Giillian McAllister-psychological thriller

A group of siblings whilst on holiday in Italy cover up a car accident where one

of them failed to stop and ended up killing the man as they were on the wrong

side of the road. One thing led to another and they ended up burying the victim

and acting as if nothing had happened. The siblings Joe, Cathy and Frannie

run a veterinary practice back home with their mother who works part time.

They were interviewed by the police after the man was reported missing- a

man they had briefly met in the marketplace the day before as there was

a small altercation about him smoking. Alternate chapters are “then” and

“now”, then being in Italy and now back home in England. I enjoyed this but

for me it didn’t quite have that usual air of tension all the way through of

other books by this author which I have devoured and loved. It was as if

there was just that little something missing from the first 50% of the book

which I can't quite put my finger on.( that said about 80% of the way in

OMG…)  It's well written ( as ever) and the plot is well thought out. Maybe

it's the changing from “then” to “now” ?? Anyway, it’s a great plot and one

to keep your grey cells thinking as for most of the book it appears

obvious as to the ending… and then it doesn’t is all I'm saying!

A well crafted read and a thoroughly enjoyable one. 

For more reviews please see my blog

or follow me on Twitter@nickisbookblog



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