A Tidy Ending


A Tidy Ending- Joanna Cannon-psychological thriller

Linda works in a charity shop part time- the rest of the time she spends

sorting her house out and tidying after her husband Terry. Occasional

chapters take us to Linda in some sort of establishment where things are

organized- we don’t quite know what- which gives it an eerie feel. They

have not long moved into a different house and post arrives for a

Rebecca- catalogues and such like which Linda opens and hence feels

she is getting to know the elusive Rebecca. There have been some

murders in the town of women and Linda along with her mother both

feel that the police need some help from the public. Linda has

previously been to the police station thinking she was helping but felt

she was too easily dismissed. She wishes that the grass was greener

and a little frustrated with her life but appears to know how to do

anything to change it.

This is cleverly written and draws you in although you don’t really know

why as Linda (the narrator) leads a very ordinary life but there's just

that something hidden. Linda's mother made me cringe at times -

having known people like this that really do exist sadly. Very much a

character lead read that kept the pages turning as there was that air of

mystery right the way through. A very cleverly thought out plot and

a nice twist. One to keep you guessing right to the very end. Loved it. 

For more reviews please see my blog http://nickibookblog.blogspot.co.uk/

or follow me on Twitter@nickisbookbl


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