No Son Of Mine by C L Swatman


No Son Of Mine by C L Swatman- Psychological Thriller

Oh wow! A book I devoured in one sitting.  Alex has a son Milo, who lives with her and her husband. Milo has been acting up at school with his friend Archie who is the son of Alex’s business partner and close friend. One day Alex sees a picture of a man, Samuel, who is being tried for murder and knows it is her son she gave away many years ago. Something draws her and she has to find out more about Samuel even if only to find out if she is passing on bad genes to her offspring. Through getting to know one she hopes to help the other, but things are never as straightforward as that and could even be dangerous. Can Alex sort out her life and her sons without alienating or putting anyone in danger?

OMG. This is stunningly written and I couldn't help but devour this. It's very cleverly written with Clare’s talent for characters and now in this new genre, stunning plot twists. I liked and felt for Alex who was doing her best whilst putting herself in a tenuous position, possibly naively but well meaning. One thing leads to another which keeps the pages turning and I somehow wanted Samuel not to be the perpetrator the media had portrayed him as and him to be the good son Alex longed for without perhaps knowing. A brilliant, captivating stunning read. Wow, just wow! 5 big ones *

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