The Dare by Lesley Kara Psychological thriller

As a child, it was just a game. As an adult, it was a living nightmare.

'This time it's different. She's gone too far now.

She really has.'”

Lizzie is engaged to Ross. Twelve years ago she was with her friend Alice

when she was killed by a train. Lizzie had one of her epileptic fits and

doesn’t remember what happened until she woke up to find Alice dead

and the train driver standing near her. She has tried to move on but wishes

she could remember what happened to her best friend that day. She starts

getting silent calls and finds a toy train on the wall outside their house.

She is then  staggered to find that Alice’s sister Catherine works at the same

surgery as Ross. When she mentions this to her parents she gets the same

“ stay away” messages as she got years ago when she was friends with

Alice. What are they hiding and who is behind the messages and why?

I quickly got into this and felt for Lizzie. Her characters comes across

incredibly well. We get snippets of the past as if in someone's memory

intermingled with the present day. A cleverly crafted tale that keeps

the pages turning and with a wonderful final twist. If you like an e

dge of your seat read- read on! Loved it!

For more reviews please see my blog

or follow me on Twitter@nickisbookblog


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