Everybody works in sales-Niraj Kapur  5* non fiction
Sales. Why ever would you want to read a book on sales?
Bear with me- and you might be more interested than you imagine.
 We either love them- shopping in them, or loathe them. Just put
“person” after the word. Those phone calls that you either don’t
want or the person on the other end cannot deviate from a script
and so can’t answer your question. We have all suffered this so
many times. You, yes you reading this, think you have nothing to
do with sales. Did you try to get your children/significant other/friend
to do something for you recently- go out maybe or a favour?
Welcome to the world of sales- you sold an idea to them without
even knowing it. Did you debate/argue/discuss something to put
across your point of view? You were selling an idea/thought/whatever.
This book is all about that. It gives Niraj’s life through his successes
and failures, jobs, hobbies and experiences his views on the world
of sales in every aspect. There are some wonderful quotes:
“People rarely leave a bad company- they more often leave a bad boss”.
 My favourite has to be Einstein- “ definition of an idiot- someone who
does the same thing over and over expecting to get a different result”.
In other words- Do what you’ve always done- get what you've always
got. An easy read, a book to learn from (I spent most of my working
life in sales and found this a very interesting read). Guess what- you
reading this- this is sales pitch, so is watching the ads on TV- you
don’t always know you have been sold to. Humming a tune? That
TV ad worked better than you ever knew!
For more reviews please see my blog http://nickibookblog.blogspot.co.uk/

or follow me on Twitter @nickijmurphy1

Everybody Works in Sales We all work in sales. If you work for somebody, you earn a living by selling their product or service. If you are self-employed, you earn a living by selling your product or service. When you buy from Amazon, they always recommended other products similar to the
ones you are purchasing or have already purchased - that’s selling. When you download a song, movie or TV show from iTunes, they always recommend
more similar products. That’s selling. When you register for most websites, they sell their products or services to you through
a regular email. When you attend an exhibition at the NEC, London ExCel, Olympia, Manchester or
even a local market, everyone is trying to sell you their product. We all work in sales, yet few people know how to sell. Until now. Containing 27 valuable lessons, plus 17 interviews with experts, Everybody Works
in Sales combines unique storytelling and personal development to ensure you
have the tools you need to do better in your career. Purchase from Amazon: http://amzn.to/2ET89nn About Niraj Kapur ​ Award-winning executive, Niraj Kapur, has worked in corporate London for 23 years. From small businesses to a national newspaper to FTSE 100 and FTSE 250 companies,
he’s experienced it all and shares his insight, knowledge, big wins and horrible failures. Containing 27 valuable lessons, plus 17 interviews with experts, Everybody Works in
Sales combines unique storytelling and personal development to ensure you have
the tools you need to do better in your career. Niraj has also had several screenplays optioned, sitcoms commissioned, kids’ shows
on Channel 5’s Milkshake and CBBC. His movie, Naachle London, was released in
select cinemas across the UK. He’s working on his next book while advising
companies and coaching individuals on how to improve their sales.
  @Nirajwriter https://uk.linkedin.com/in/nkapur


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