Spring at The Little Duck Pond Cafe

Spring At The Little Duck Pond Cafe- Rosie Green-4* ***Competition****
Ellen needs a break. Her so called boyfriend has had a one night stand and she kicked
him out. On deciding to forgive him, he said he didn’t want to come back. They had
bought a house together and were planning a family so this has brought Ellen’s world
to come crashing down. Her mother has early onset Alzheimer's and so to cheer herself
and her mother up, Ellen decides to visit her Mum’s old stamping ground and take
some pictures for her memory book. What transpires from this visit changes things.
I won’t say too much other than to say this is an uplifting tale and a wonderful
start to Spring. A time of new life and new beginnings and for some a chance to turn
over a page and never look back. I really enjoyed this. It’s a novella length book,
perfect for over a coffee or two. Find a comfy chair, a drink and a cake and breathe
in some spring-time magic.
For more reviews please see my blog http://nickibookblog.blogspot.co.uk/

or follow me on Twitter @nickijmurphy1

Spring at The Little Duck Pond Cafe 

Fleeing from a romance gone wrong, Ellie Farmer arrives in the pretty little village of 
Sunnybrook, hoping for a brand new start that most definitely does not include love!
 Following an unscheduled soak in the village duck pond, she meets Sylvia, who runs
 the nearby Duck Pond Café. Renting the little flat above the café seems like
 the answer to Ellie's prayers. It's only for six months, which will give her time to sort
 out her life, far away from cheating boyfriend Richard.

But is running away from your past ever really the answer?

Clashing with the mysterious and brooding Zack Chamberlain, an author with a bad
 case of writer's block, is definitely not what Ellie needs right now. And then there's 
Sylvia, who's clinging so hard to her past, she's in danger of losing the quaint but 
run-down Duck Pond Café altogether. 

Can Ellie find the answers she desperately needs in Sunnybrook? And will she be
 able to help save Sylvia's little Duck Pond Café from closure?

Purchase from Amazon.com - https://www.amazon.com/Spring-Little-Duck-Pond-Cafe-ebook/dp/B07BH4NWL8/
Author Bio

Rosie Green has been scribbling stories ever since she was little. Back then they were
 rip-roaring adventure tales with a young heroine in perilous danger of falling off a cliff 
or being tied up by ‘the baddies’. Thankfully, Rosie has moved on somewhat, and now
 much prefers to write romantic comedies that melt your heart and make you smile, 
with really not much perilous danger involved at all, unless you count the heroine
 losing her heart in love.

            Rosie’s brand new series of novellas is centred on life in a village café.
 The first, Spring at the Little Duck Pond Café, is out on March 22nd 2018.

Twitter - https://twitter.com/Rosie_Green1988

Win wooden Duck ornament and chocolates (Open to UK Only). 

During each day of this blog tour, each clues will be revealed to the true identity of Rosie Green.  

Today's Clue is:

For my first book, I took inspiration from a Christmas classic by Charles Dickens.

In order to enter, you need to follow Rosie Green on Twitter, RT this tweet and then take a guess using the hashtag #WhoisRosieGreen 

You may guess more than once. 

All entries using the hash tag will be entered, and the giveaway closes 23:00 BST 12th April

The identity of Rosie Green will be revealed on twitter after 12th April as will the giveaway winner. 

Good luck and don't forget to look at posts on other days of this tour, for more clues. 


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