Proof Positive- Lucy V Hay book- Y.A. 5*
Lizzie discovers she is pregnant after one fumbled event. How on earth could this happen
to her when she is so young? Should she keep it? Abort it? “It” she then realises could be
a baby. Not exactly what she wanted when she is about to start university. I don’t
normally do books about either teenagers or babies so why did this one get me when
it was so far outside of my comfort zone? I won it (thank you!) and the quality of
writing is exceptional. Maybe it is one of those stories that you think “there by the
grace of whatever you believe in”. You are drawn in from the start- and if I was,
based on the above, then I imagine others will be too. I won’t say too much more about
the story line as it took me by surprise- other than to say nicely done- very nicely done.
Lizzie is a strong character and although inexperienced at life, knows she has her
family behind her (5 sisters, a decisive , supportive- sometimes too much so,  
mother and a father). For any teenager, for any parent… then again.. for anyone
with empathy. Stunningly written, compelling reading and a very cleverly
thought out plot. One to remember.
For more reviews please see my blog http://nickibookblog.blogspot.co.uk/

or follow me on Twitter @nickijmurphy1


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