The Passengers- John Marrs- Psychological thriller
This is set in the future and about driverless cars. Can I just say that if we ever get there
in my life time- I won’t be entering one unless I have a sledgehammer about my person
or maybe even ever !! Thanks John!
Eight  people are in their cars which have been hacked- something the government
promised was impossible. All have been told that they are heading to a destination
where they will die. Libby is on a jury which decides in the case of any fatalities whether
the car or passengers are to blame when they get a call about the hijacked cars. She sees
someone in one of the cars that she met six months before and has been doing her utmost
to find him. Now she has found him however he is heading towards his death and there is
very little she can do about it. Or is there? This is a tense read. We soon learn why each
of the people have been chosen to be the “passengers” and each of the jury must chose
one they wish to vote for along with the general public via social media. The hacker now
has control of most things. OMG!!  A dystopian state where the public think they can
think for themselves but in reality pretty much everything is controlled by the state and
there are no secrets. Argh! An interesting story, and as ever from John a very clever
plot. One to blow your mind and make you think what the world could become.
Psychology with that extra oomph!
For more reviews please see my blog http://nickibookblog.blogspot.co.uk/

or follow me on Twitter @nickisbookblog


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