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Ring Fenced by Zach Abrams-psychological thriller
Benjamin leads several lives under various disguises. By day he is Ben a respectable
banker businessman. By night he is a porn author and company owner. To his parents
he is Benjie and single, to his wife his parents are Jewish and “wouldn't accept her
or the children” and he is Bennie. To his girlfriend he is Jamie and untamed. A life of 
many facets with clothes and even watches to reflect each persona. When his wife
is being blackmailed Ben has the contacts to sort it out for her and make it go away.
When his carefully separated lives begin to mingle Ben has to act smart and fast.
Oh what a tangled web we weave...This is well described and researched in terms
of the businesses and how Ben has acquired them. A very cleverly thought out
plot and characterisations. I have just discovered that this is Zac’s first novel.
Wow and respect. This comes across as a highly experienced writer with an
excellent eclectic music knowledge knowing how to draw you in to the plot
and leaving the reader not quite knowing where it is going in a very good
way. A very different enjoyable read.
For more reviews please see my blog http://nickibookblog.blogspot.co.uk/

or follow me on Twitter @nickisbookblog

Ring Fenced Sex. Money. Power. Control. Benjamin wants it all. He is Bennie, a loving husband and father; Benjie, a beloved son. He climbs the ladder as Ben,
a corporate banker, and rakes in money as a bestselling author. And when he wants to escape
it all, Benjamin styles himself as Jamie — the lover of a beautiful musician. His life, in a word, is perfect. But after years of keeping his separate personae a secret,
cracks begin to appear in the façade. When an unexpected series of events topples Benjamin’s carefully crafted world, his
separate lives collide with dire consequences. Purchase Links http://geni.us/ringfenced https://www.creativia.org/ring-fenced.html https://www.amazon.com/dp/B017ZDYQL8 https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B017ZDYQL8 Ring Fenced is on an Amazon Countdown Promotion – selling at 99c /99p from 11-15 Sept 2019

Author Bio – Having the background of a successful career in commerce and finance, Zach Abrams has
spent many years writing reports, letters and presentations and it's only fairly recently
he started writing novels. "It's a more honourable type of fiction," he declares. Writer of the Alex Warren Murder Mystery series, set in Scotland, Zach has also written
the psychological thriller 'Ring Fenced' and the financial thriller 'Source', as well as
collaborating with Elly Grant on a book of short stories. Zach is currently producing a non-fiction series to help small businesses -using the collective title 'Mind Your Own Business'. The first, 'So, You Think You Want to be a Landlord' is already available. Social Media Links – Website : http://zachabrams.wix.com/zach-abrams Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Zach-Abrams-author-463346010364540/ Twitter: @authorway


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