The Girl in White- John Nicholl-Crime  
Harry has just received a text from his girlfriend to say “it’s ended” and that she is
now going travelling with her new man. Harry who suffers depression is
understandably rather upset. When a young lady approaches him in a bar a short
time later he is suspicious as he isn’t that lucky. What does she want? After a while
he relaxes a little and then realises that he was right. What is this strange community
she told him about and why have they brought him there?Who is “the master”?
Most of all, they won’t let him leave. DI Laura Kesey is contacted by Harry’s mother
knowing her from a yoga class. Harry is in touch most days and she hasn’t seen or
heard from him in over a week- something is very wrong. As ever with Johns books
you quickly get into the plot and a feel for the characters- for me this is skillful
writing that I enjoy. I quickly felt for Harry and his predicament and Laura for her
tenaciousness. This is a fairly short novel but still has that grip and that punch
that John gives with all of his books. A highly enjoyable read 
For more reviews please see my blog

or follow me on Twitter@nickisbookblog

The Girl in White blurb Harry Gilmore has no idea of the terrible danger he faces when he meets a beautiful girl in a
local student bar. Drugged and abducted, Harry wakes up in a secure wooden compound
deep in the Welsh countryside, where he is groomed by the leaders of a manipulative cult,
run by the self-proclaimed new messiah, known as The Master. When the true nature of the cult becomes apparent, Harry looks for any opportunity to
escape. But as time passes he questions if the master’s extreme behaviour and teachings
are the one true religion. With Harry’s life hanging by a thread, a team of officers, led by Detective Inspector
Laura Kesey, investigate his disappearance. But will they find him before it’s too late? 

John Nicholl, an ex-police officer, child protection social worker and lecturer, has written
seven darkly psychological suspense thrillers, each of which has been an Amazon #1 bestseller.  John’s books are set in the UK and have a strong Welsh flavour. He began writing after
leaving his job heading up child protection services for Carmarthenshire. You can find out more about John and his books at:


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