The Secret Life of Albert Entwistle- Matt Cain Humorous fiction/ LGBTQIA 

One of those reads that is something very special.  Albert Entwistle is a

postman and has been for the last forty four years. He loves his job but

doesn't really like people so keeps himself very much to himself. When

he gets a letter from HR about his forthcoming sixty-fifth birthday, life

is about to change and Albert can’t see how this can be for the better.

Albert has kept himself to himself for a reason, something he feared

when he was younger but now the world is a different place- but Albert

doesn't yet quite realise this and is about to make a first step towards

his freedom at long last. Fifty years ago Albert fell in love for a brief

time and since then has been lonely- something he has only just

admitted to himself.. This is the story of his voyage of discovery in

more than one way. Oh be still my beating heart! I so loved this- I

wanted to wrap Albert up in the biggest hug and tell him that the

world is now a very different place. Who doesn’t love Drag Race

and Hairspray?  A tale of oppression and bigotry in more than

one world and overcoming negativity. A brilliantly written, very

emotive, evocative read in more than one way for me. More

than one man cowed, dictated to and belittled by their parents

and then by the world, now emerging from his chrysalis to

become the beautiful butterfly. There are some wonderful lines

in this: “Be strong enough to show who you really are and let

the world love you for it”. “ Face up to things not put them in

the past where they drag along behind you, deal with the

emotions and then you can move on”.

 Each year about 10% of the total books I read ( about 250 a year)

earn my special 5** rating. They are the ones that have that

something extra- the ones I will always remember and have

touched me in some way. This one deserves it in spades.

I can't recommend this highly enough. Loved it doesn't begin

to cover it. I love this a little bit more than yesterday and a

little bit less than tomorrow (If you know- you know). 

For more reviews please see my blog

or follow me on Twitter@nickisbookblog


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