
Showing posts from February, 2022

The Keeper of Stories

  The Keeper of Stories- Sally Page- Women's fiction Janice is a cleaner. She sees many things as she goes about her work and feels everyone has a story to tell- just one that makes them who they are. She really doesn't like her husband any more- he has had almost a job for every year she has known him and she finds him dull and tedious so she finds life in other people. When she goes to clean for Mrs B, she finally meets someone who wants to know her story- but does she have one?  This is a treasure of a read- there is just that certain something about Janice that keeps the pages turning- to me the skill of an excellent author. I believe that this is a debut novel- wow- keep me posted for the next one please- a stunning piece of writing that makes reading this so easy and a pleasure-not something everyone can do. A warmth of characters that you can't help but take to and a story that invites you in with a welcome. A highly recommended read.  For more reviews pleas...
  THE INVITE by Sheryl Browne-psychological thriller OMG! A read once started I didn't want to put down. Zoe is back from Portugal having lost her job and most things in her life. She was in a relationship and then found out not only was he married but he has children. Daniel, like others, had lied to her and even worse she thinks he is stalking her. She comes back to her friend's birthday party where she is introduced to Kaitlins new man Greg. When Katilin announces they are getting married and that she is pregnant, Zoe is very protective and thinks she is leaping too quickly- something learnt from her own experiences. They argue and Zoe leaves abruptly. Kaitlin sends Greg after her so that she can apologise. They learn soon after that Zoe has gone missing and Greg hasn't exactly been truthful and that Daniel has been constantly calling her- he is in the area. What has happened to Zoe and just who is telling the truth? Oh wow! This is a brilliantly written fast paced read-...
  Midnight Lies- Chris Collett- Crime +  #giveaway DCI Tom Mariner is at the helm and there are lots of things to navigate. He chased a man who had stabbed someone and now he is being accused of pulling the man off a roof. There has been a fatal RTA, only when the car was further inspected another body was found- one already dead. Tom then gets a visit from Norfolk police who have found a body. He worked on a case of a missing woman many years ago and it was someone he knew from his childhood- the body is now known to be the missing woman. I really enjoy this series- they happily stand alone- Tom and his team are real characters who have a depth to them that makes them come alive on the pages. There's a lot going on but it is very easy to follow. Three unrelated cases, three different enquiries and then a personal one for one of the team thrown in for good measure, which again brings depth and reality to the characters.A fast paced read with twists and turns with changes of pa...

The Silent Chapter

  The Silent Chapter- Katherine Blakeman- Historical fiction (WW 1 to WW2) A stunning read of wartime, bravery and history. This is the story of Dorothy and Patrick back around the time of the first world war and beyond. Patrick came from a rigid middle class family and thought that everyone called their father “ father-sir” such was his father Bruce’s hold on the family. Dotties family, although working class, still wanted to be thought of as    “ respectable” and as soon as she was stepping out with Patrick her father threw her out. Prior to this several in the family had lost their jobs as they were “associated” with one of them who spoke out. Sadly such was life for many at that time. Dottie and her friends were suffragists- the non violent, more verbal versions of the suffragette movement starting to want equal rights for women.This tells of their life together and of life's ups and downs, the wars, social history and much more.  This is a well written account o...


  Impromptu by Martin Lilley -Dystopian/mystery short story 5* One of the most stunning debut novels I have ever been privileged to read. Cat and her twin brother Tom know they are about to die. It is their sixteenth birthday and for a while now people have been dying on their birthdays at the exact time of their birth. Something known as the unforeseen. Tom was born seventeen minutes before Cat and it is now their birthday. Governments all over the world who have come up with excuse after excuse trying to link to all of the recent deaths. The streets have become unsafe to go out and Tom's time of birth is approaching.  I loved this. I'm not normally into dystopian reads but this one is a gem and has that air of mystery wrapped around it. There is a wonderful quality of writing and a skill with words, not often seen in a debut novel. The intricately woven plot absorbed me and as one small part was answered another door opened. There is a nice build of tension and I found myse...

Life, Death and Biscuits

  Life, Death and Biscuits by Anthea Allen- Nursing/medical memoir Oh wow! ( I write this and am not sure that should have the exclamation mark- it should and it shouldn't-reading on may explain this). This is a book about the very front line during the pandemic in a small corner of London, England. Many know about people requiring ventilators during this period- what many don’t know is that it takes the experience of a critical care nurse to operate them- few nurses were trained in this and even less doctors. Anthea is a one of these highly skilled nurses and tells of her days through emails to friends which by putting words on paper kept her sane. She asked for some biscuits as many of the staff being kitted up in PPE couldn't leave the ward (if they did it was a full clothes and ppe change for which they didn't have time or energy) and the hospital shops refused to serve them, knowing they were dealing with such critically ill covid patients. The response she got was ove...
  The Paris Network  by Siobhan Curham-Historical fiction (WW2) Wartime France: Laurence has said goodbye to her lifelong friend Luc,who has gone to war. She runs a bookshop and has sent him off with a poem to try and keep his heart uplifted. Soon the Germans have taken over and life very much changes for the small rural village. Laurence is determined that the Germans won’t get the better of her and hides her radio- a banned item- so that she can listen to the BBC and find out what is going on elsewhere in the world. Seeing the cafe owner shot in the square makes her determined to do something, anything she can to help the resistance, something she heard a man called General De Gaulle on the radio talk about. USA 1993: Jeanne has just said goodbye to her mother for the final time when she learns of something that rocks her world. Soon afterwards, she and her father travel to France to find out more about Laurence and how her father met someone he is describing as the bravest ...

The Dummy Pass

  The Dummy Pass-Patrick Smith- Children's (8-12yrs) This is a book aimed at 8-12 year olds to help with separation and divorce especially boys(or any rugby lover). The author explains that males sometimes find it more difficult to express their emotions sadly due to the enduring stereotype of “ boys don’t cry”.  William is 10 years old and is being hassled at school- not exactly bullying but certainly being picked on occasionally. His friends are very supportive and encourage him to try out for the rugby teams he has been playing and practising with his father. He finds that whilst practising in the back garden he suddenly becomes Billy and that he is playing with much older boys, even men. In real life he soon finds that playing is not only hel[ing him concentrate on his school work more but also giving him confidence to stand up to the teasers who soon leave him alone. I enjoyed reading this and felt that it goes through many issues that children may encounter at school and...

The Marriage Secret

  The Marriage Secret by Carey Baldwin - psychological thriller Holly has just given birth- her husband is an obstetrics consultant and during labour she suspects him of causing her pain. She left her shoes out and he said “ she would pay for it”. He is beginning to control her every move- even demanding that she send him pictures when she is out to prove where she is. His mother says to Holly that he has always lied and thinks he can get away with it. As Holly says chains are not always made of links, and abuse takes many different forms. He is one manipulating, perfidious husband. Zach knows a secret from Holly’s past, something she told him on their wedding day and is now regretting doing so. If she holds his secret, will he uphold hers? OMG! I loved this! It's  a fast paced tale of cleverly woven deception and one where you are not sure whom to trust. Where each chapter partly answers one thing and then adds another and then the final twist- I won’t give anything away othe...