The Bride
The Bride by John Nicholl- psychological thriller This tells the story of Daisy , written in the first person, beginning with how she met her husband James and what happened when they came back from their honeymoon and he disappeared without trace. We know she is incarcerated as she is writing this but not her whole story until it slowly unfolds as she tells it. They stopped at a services for a break on the way home and James went to get some air to relieve a headache whilst Daisy went to the loo and got coffee. She waited and waited and no James. Where has he gone and why? I found myself quickly engrossed in this. There’s a clever tension and intrigue even though the first part begins as a story of domesticity whilst the reader knows there is just something more. It's brilliantly written to give that sense of “what on earth has happened” which kept the pages turning and I didn’t want to put it down. There’s only a few characters which made me think about the who’s and why’s an...