The Silver Ladies Do Lunch


The Silver Ladies do Lunch by Judy Leigh- women's fiction

A group of ladies who knew each other at school in the 1950’s get together for lunch. Being of an age they each have their issues- whether it’s dealing with having lost a loved one to the shame of never being able to cook and the onset of age related ailments. There’s a hint of romance and also one of possible betrayal. We get their individual stories and how they have always supported each other through thick and thin. Through their camaraderie there’s much positive mental attitude and of leaving the past where it belongs and looking to the present and the future.

I love Judy’s books. There is always so much more than just a story. There’s a message for all of us perhaps amongst the pages- of carpe diem and living life to the full. Of saying yes and being brave, to stepping outside our comfort zones maybe to embrace the experience. Of the ups and downs life throws at us and how we chose to respond to it and those around us. A story of life, not just of the silver generation, but of us all. One life- live it!

“ If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk through my garden forever” (Alfred, Lord Tennyson) 

For more reviews please follow me on Twitter@nickisbookblog


The Silver Ladies Do Lunch When Lin, Josie and Minnie left Miss Hamilton’s class at Middleton Ferris County Primary School, sixty years ago, they could only dream about what the future had in store for them. The one thing they knew for certain was that their friendship would thrive. Years later and life hasn’t always been kind. Josie is still mourning the loss of her beloved husband Harry a year after his sudden demise. Lin is hoping to celebrate her fiftieth wedding anniversary with husband Neil, but he’s suddenly keeping secrets and telling her lies, so she’s suspecting the worst And as for Minnie, well she loves her life in Oxford academia, but with no family to call her own, she sometimes wonders if the sacrifices were all worthwhile. So, when the ninety-year-old Miss Hamilton – or Cecily as she lets them call her now – glides gracefully back into their lives on her glamorous purple mobility scooter, the ladies are in need of inspiration and fun. And over their regular lunches, the friends start to dream of leaving the past in the past and embracing the future, because there’s nothing you can’t achieve with good friends at your side. Purchase Link -

Author Bio – Judy Leigh is the USA Today bestselling author of The Old Girls’ Network and Five French Hens and the doyenne of the ‘it’s never too late’ genre of women’s fiction. She has lived all over the UK from Liverpool to Cornwall, but currently resides in Somerset. Social Media Links – Facebook Twitter Instagram Newsletter Sign Up: Bookbub profile:


  1. Thanks so much for this lovely review. I'm glad you enjoyed the book. Sending warmest wishes, J xx

  2. Thank you. Pleasure!


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