The Interpreter


The Interpreter by Brooke Robinson -psychological thriller

Revelle is a multi language interpreter who although works freelance does most of her work for a company who provide interpreters for the courts and police and this has become her area of expertise. Revelle learnt her languages as a result of her mother constantly moving with her work around different countries.  She has recently applied to adopt a young boy, Elliott, who is currently with her having previously been in several foster homes after he was taken away from his parents following substance abuse.  There are interspersed sections where we get dialogue from someone, we know not who, describing scenes they find themselves in and there is a mention of a person that is yet not featured, as if  someone or somewhere in the past.

OMG! A book where the tension was palpable, I almost felt nervous, I was so on the edge of my seat!I quickly found myself liking this- even in the early chapters where we get a feel for Revelle and her situation. The writing is cleverly done so there is a build up of tension even before anything really happens and I found myself both liking Revelle and turning and turning to find out what was going to happen. A very well presented stunning, captivating plot so brilliantly executed. Wow! One thrill of a read- sign me up for the next one please!

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