Lucy’s Book Club for the Lost and Found- Emma Davies 5**
Lucy had dreams of being a teacher as her father was before her. Somehow the glitter dropped off the dream and she found work at the local library whilst she decided what to do. She decided to start a book club to entice more people into the library and perhaps make some friends along the way. Enter Hattie- a single mum who is a dab hand at dressmaking, Lia who is a full time carer for her mother who has Alzheimer's, Callum who should have a job but hasn’t the confidence and Oscar the elderly but sprightly bow tie man who comes in several times a week so as not be on his own. This is an engaging cast of characters and some serious themes are addressed along the way. Somehow through skillful writing you end up caring for the characters and share with their emotions both up and down. This is so much more than “just another lighthearted read”. It made me laugh , it made me cry, and it made me think. A book with a smile and a message of hope and positivity. A treasure of a book that rarely comes along. One of my 5** reads of the year(out of 250+ book- less than 10% achieve this). A wonderful read, a perfect present.
I voluntarily chose to read this ARC and all opinions in this review are my own and completely unbiased
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