Thieves On The Fens (DI Nikki Galena, #8)

Thieves on the fens- Joy Ellis-5*  
The team are together again. I love the fens series- always a comfortable read with a smile. DI Nikki Galena, Joseph, Cat and Ben. Joy has the talent of bringing them alive each and every time. Each of her books starts with a little intrigue but also something of the lives of her team. A little of their love, their life, their dislikes and their family. Not too much to be off putting and detract from the main storyline but a taste to whet the appetite so the reader quickly feels that they “know” the person. Some strange calls to the station speaking an almost lost language and a spate of burglaries keep our team busy in a way in which they appreciate to start with. A complex case with two main storylines interwoven, brilliantly written. My favourite of the fen books to date.  A thoroughly enjoyable read.

I voluntarily chose to read this ARC and all opinions in this review are my own and completely unbiased


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