Her Last Move- John Marrs
A man falls or is pushed under a tube train. DS Becky is in the crowd on the platform
and notices something. Another man is found dead shortly afterwards and Becky can
put the two together from what she has seen. She liaises with the super recognisers
team- those who have a much better memory from most of us that can spot the face
in the crowd and remember that they are on a crime sheet somewhere in the depths.
Joe appears to have his own mission and Becky isn’t too pleased about it as she feels
that she is being sidelines and made to look a fool. She has her own issues at home-
a daughter who is cared for by her mother who lives with them but Becky isn’t
spending the time with her daughter that she promised. A daughter who has more
needs than others and who needs that special time.  Yet again John grabs you from
the word go and you want to keep turning to find out what happens.
This is slightly different from his other books as it starts out more of a crime book
than a psychological thriller. A plot that grabs you and holds you, turning the pages
to try and find out that bit more of what happens.
A different read , a clever and a highly enjoyable one.
For more reviews please see my blog http://nickibookblog.blogspot.co.uk/

or follow me on Twitter @nickijmurphy1


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