The Lock- Andrew Barrett-Crime
If you enjoy a read where you are on the edge of your seat then this could be the very book.
Strap yourself in and prepare for the ride! This is a novella staring my old friend Eddie
Collins CSI. Eddie arrives at a scene to find 81 year old Albert Crabtree extinct of life in
the middle of his bedroom floor. Nothing at all suspicious other than severe scratch marks
on one of his ankles and that he is grasping a large key. One that doesn’t fit any of the
doors around him. Curiosity gets the better of Eddie and he is keen to find out what the
key fits and why old Albert is holding it. I love Eddie. He says what he thinks and what
we all wish we had said,  but we only think of, five minutes after the event. I got so
immersed in Eddie being in a dimly lit cellar that when my watch alarm went off I
umped out of my skin! Thanks Andy- My heart is working just fine thank you! Andy
has the talent for quickly and easily immersing the reader into the scenario and you
can almost feel the tension. I won’t say too much more as this is a novella - about
an hour or so’s read- other than to say I loved it. A cleverly thought out plot, a
brilliant character and a read that I wanted to continue. I very much look forward
to my next encounter with Eddie, although hopefully not in a dimly lit room!
For more reviews please see my blog
or follow me on Twitter @nickijmurphy1

Amazon Top 1000 reviewer.

Book Description:

I'm Eddie Collins, a CSI. I was finishing up at a sudden death in an old house, waiting for the body snatchers to arrive, when I heard a noise from the cellar.
I had time to kill, so I went to investigate.
Turns out I wasn't the only one with killing on his mind.

Author biography – Andrew Barrett

Andrew Barrett has enjoyed variety in his professional life, from engine-builder to farmer, from Oilfield Service Technician in Kuwait, to his current role of Senior CSI in Yorkshire. 
He’s been a CSI since 1996, and has worked on all scene types from terrorism to murder, suicide to rape, drugs manufacture to bomb scenes. One way or another, Andrew’s life revolves around crime.
In 1997 he finished his first crime thriller, A Long Time Dead, and it’s still a readers’ favourite today, some 120,000 copies later, topping the Amazon charts several times. Two more books featuring SOCO Roger Conniston completed the trilogy.
Today, Andrew is still producing high-quality, authentic crime thrillers with a forensic flavour that attract attention from readers worldwide. He’s also attracted attention from the Yorkshire media, having been featured in the Yorkshire Post, and twice interviewed on BBC Radio Leeds.
He’s best known for his lead character, CSI Eddie Collins, and the acerbic way in which he roots out criminals and administers justice. Eddie’s series is four books and two short stories in length, and there’s still more to come.
Andrew is a proud Yorkshireman and sets all of his novels there, using his home city of Leeds as another major, and complementary, character in each of the stories.
You can find out more about him and his writing at

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