Breeda Looney Steps forth- Oliver Sands- Womens humerous fiction
Breeda gave up a good job and pretty much her life to be home and look after her
mother, not that she would have it any other way. To keep her occupied she has been
doing a few hours at the local wine store- and also making good use of the discount
offered.  Her mother sadly passed away a few weeks ago and Breeda is now thinking
she should get back on the horse so to speak. Breeda lost her father when she was
twelve years old so when something turns up that disputes this Breeda is curious and
sets out to find out who and why and a lot more besides. Her Aunt Nora believes she
is a “waste of skin” and dispels her notion. Breeda however has other plans! I liked
Breeda, she had determination and a sense of fun despite all that was going on.
I had to smile a “Cheeses Christ” as the cheese shop- a nod to the religions of Ireland. 
A wonderful uplifting fun read- a good plot, larger than life characters and a smile
along the way. Loved it!
For more reviews please see my blog http://nickibookblog.blogspot.co.uk/

or follow me on Twitter@nickisbookblog


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