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The Telephone Call- Michael Pakenham

This is the second in the Daniel Appleman books but happily stands alone
 (I hadn't read the first one).
An overheard telephone call changes lives. Twelve years on and the ripples are being 
felt and someone wants answers to a mystery they fear may never be solved. Daniel gets
 involved if only to make a change from the divorce case he has done as a private
 investigator and he likes the intrigue of this. I liked Daniel and not only his tenacity but 
having a well rounded character, something that is sometimes missing from books like
 this- to me the sign of a good writer when you feel the character could almost be a
 neighbour. An excellent plot, albeit complex but well defined and easy enough to follow,
 a little humour and even a little romance. An author I had not come across before and 

one I will have no hesitation in looking for again. A very interesting, entertaining read.

For more reviews please see my blog http://nickibookblog.blogspot.co.uk/
or follow me on Twitter@nickisbookblog


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