Harley Hound and Red Spotted Ned by Chris Lewis (+ Sarah Marsh on Ned)

Children's fiction (5-7 years)

Love these! Both brightly coloured large books (a4 sized) of just under

35 pages each. Every page has excellent pictures easy to see and

understand for the younger child. Both in a larger font again for ease

of reading for children, these are perfect for either children to read

themselves or be read to and follow by the pictures. Written in rhyme

they are very entertaining. Encouraging confidence, positivity and respect,

these are perfect books for the age range (5-7 years) and fun for even the adults.

Harley Hound:   Harley begins as a little nervous and getting in trouble

finding life is rather hard at times to get things right. She watches TV one

day and becomes hypnotised and finds her confidence but when seeing

her reflection finds she is the very same dog that she was before. A heart

-warming story of learning to be yourself and not who others think you

ought to be.The real Harley hound is shown on the back cover (I hope he

got biscuit credit for this!). I loved the graffiti ipicture- “Rude dog”! 

Red Spotted Ned : Ned is only red when he is angry- the rest of the time

he is a lovely shade of green. Ned's neighbour Yuri grows sunflowers

which block Ned’s view from his window- so one day he cuts them down.

He then gets a visit from a ghouly ghost to tell him of the error of his

ways and Ned sees that Yuri was in fact trying to cheer Ned up. An

excellent story with a message or two that little ones can easily understand.

Wonderful books that can be read time and again with a message for all

to see- #bekind and be true to yourself. I only wish such things had been

around when I was small. 

For more reviews please see my blog http://nickibookblog.blogspot.co.uk/

or follow me on Twitter@nickisbookblog


For as long as he can remember, Chris has had a huge passion for storytelling. When his son was a young boy, instead of reading bedtime stories, they would make up their own far-fetched tales around the fictional superhero Deadly Derek. In fact, this has remained his main Google account name ever since, which means that upon joining Zoom calls, his name appears as "Deadly Derek" - much to the amusement of his network!

So far in 2021, he has published three children’s rhyming picture books, with two more on the way. His stories combine humour with beautifully crafted rhyming verse that challenge young readers using subtle alliteration and powerful vocabulary.  He believes that children’s stories should have a positive moral without preaching or being overly serious. The result are joyous stories that will captivate and educate in equal measure.


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