Freckles- Cecelia Aherne- Womens literary fiction

Freckles- Cecelia Aherne-Womens fiction

Freckles works as a traffic warden in Dublin. She went to boarding school

and while there got her nickname as she drew between her freckles- so

much so that it has left lines that can be seen even now. She lives in the

garden room of a couple whom she babysits for frequently. Her real

name is Allegra, named by her musician father meaning lively and bright.

Written in the first person this tells of Freckles and of her being told

that you are the average of the five people you spend most time with.

She knows her father is a big influencer on her life but as for the

other four? This is an interesting concept. Who are the five people

(other than family) who we spend most time with? It made me

think and wonder and smile. Allegra is finding her way in the world

away from what she found familiar at home, going further afield

to pursue a dream- one that didn't take quite the shape she imagined.

There's something endearing about her. Maybe being the new girl

and then coming up against false personas whilst trying to find

herself- something most of us have been through one way and

another. Trying to find her mother who hasn’t been in her life at

all and hoping, just hoping that things will turn out right.

Of being yourself and true to yourself. Of growth and discovery

and a certain “ je ne sais quois” . Loved it. 


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