The Man Who Died Twice- Richard Osman cozy crime

The Thursday murder club are here again in a wonderful new book. Elizabeth

has received a letter from an old friend- however she remembers collecting

his body and taking it to the morgue as part of her job many,many moons

ago. Ibrahim whilst out is mugged for his phone and badly injured- the

group are determined that the culprits will not get away with it or just a

rap on the knuckles. Then there is the small matter of £20 million pounds

worth of diamonds. Elizabeth has contacts because where she used to

work was rather hush hush, say no more. Bogdan can get hold of anything

as again he has contacts. When Elizabeth meets Douglas again there

is more at stake than friendship. Can the group get back the diamonds

without too many people getting killed in the process and give the

mugger what he deserves?

This is a wonderful read- it’s crazy, it’s fun, brilliant  and well researched.

The little things such as how old people talk across each other with completely

different conversations yet some know exactly what's going on. “ Have you

ever dealt with the Mafia?” “ I tried to cancel Sky sports once- that's the closest

I've got”  Of past careers and talents not lost but not quite as honed as they

were and that walking frames make you look fatter as the legs are so thin! You

get the gist- it's a cozy crime with lots of smiles and very well written.

A highly entertaining read I’d love to see as a film

For more reviews please see my blog

or follow me on Twitter@nickisbookblog


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