Cut the Threads- Robin Roughley  4*

Robin plunges the reader straight into the action, no holds barred in this story of a
rather gruesome murder. Who is the man and why has been so brutally attacked?
A world of extortion and a boss no one knows the name of. Kidnapped girls, a dodgy
solicitor and rackets left right and centre, Fortunately DS Marnie has a strong
stomach and nothing will put her off tracking down the perpetrators. Short snappy
chapters keep the pace moving and there is plenty going on right from the start.
Characters with depth that you take to -or not as the case maybe, but so well
written that you could see this as a TV drama. Robin has the knack of bringing a
story to life and characters you can believe in. This is a rather gory tale in parts
with twists along the way yet handled so well. Marnie has her own demons.
Will she ever put them to rest? Another wonderfully told story from the master
of crime stories, every one has a depth so lacking in many others.
I look forward to the next Robin Roughley instalment with baited breath.

For more reviews please see my blog http://nickibookblog.blogspot.co.uk/
or follow me on Twitter

Author Bio:

Robin Roughley hails from the town of Wigan in the North-West of England and is the author of the hugely popular DS Lasser crime series.

On March 9th 2017, Rob released the first book in the  DS Marnie Hammond series, Keep You Near, published by Bloodhound.  DS Marnie Hammond hails from Lancashire, in the fictional town of Kirkhead.  Like all good detectives, Marnie comes with her own unique set of crime-solving skills.

When not writing, which amounts to roughly two days a year, he can be found walking the canal towpaths of Wigan, sorting out plot lines and looking for ideas, with an assortment of dogs in tow.

So, next time you see a shaven-headed, middle-aged man wandering about, scratching his head, looking bewildered and taking random pictures it is Rob hoping for divine inspiration.

If you like your crime to be hard hitting and gritty with an assortment of characters that feel like friends then feel free to jump in at the deep end.



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