Listening to the Animals: Becoming the Supervet- Noel Fitzpatrick- Autobiography/animal science
Noel. Where do I begin. Many of us have admired him since watching “Supervet” on
the TV. I remember watching this first TV appearances as “The Bionic Vet” before he
was so well known by the great British public. This is the story of his life, from his
humble beginnings on a farm and how he tentatively and sometimes brutally(due
to the conditions such as cold and wet) learned the beginnings of his skills which
we today see as the eminent surgeon that he is through to having his dream of his
practice and One medicine. The love for his parents and that his father never told
him he was proud of him but that “he saw it in his eyes”. The bullying he endured
at school being from the country and knowing very little (and handwriting that still
hasn’t improved much- his own words!). He tells us as it is and explains in details
some of the operations and his dreams. One Medicine- where human and animal
medicine come together for the common good and instead of giving an animal a
disease or “injury” use the veterinary world where this has happened for real to
gain insight. Lives saved at both ends.
This man is an inspiration. Having been privileged to met him he is everything you
see on TV and more. His love for animals and enthusiasm is infectious and if we can
all just change one person to be kinder to animals, we will have changed the world
for that one animal. Whether it’s not buying caged eggs (Please buy free range) or
giving loose change to an animal charity, every little counts. For me as with many
others and Noel himself, animals make the world go around and give us so very much
it’s hard to put into words. They get some of us through very tough times and some
would not be here if it wasn’t for an animal needing them. A hug, a lick, something
to nuzzle into and know how we feel. Sentient beings whom we treasure like no
other. Thank you Noel. You have brought our feelings to the masses and changed
so many lives for the better both animal and human.
One of my books of the year 5** and 10* if I could.
For more reviews please see my blog http://nickibookblog.blogspot.co.uk/
or follow me on Twitter @nickijmurphy1
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