Waiting for the Bee Stings- Calvin Wade
Another one of Calvin’s book that I fell in love with. Mia is at the funeral of one of her
old friends. Not old just an old friend. There she meets Jason , again an old friend from
university. The book alternates between 1997 and 2014 slowly coming together as
the book progresses. 1997 was when the group of friends were at University and Mia
met her husband Gary who was one of the group. What Mia has never known is that
Jason has held a torch for her all these years. Now divorced he treasures her
friendship and when Mia suddenly becomes single again he doesn’t want to frighten
her off.  I loved Mia and Jason even more so. As for Karen’s daughter- I won’t spoil
anything- but so loved her too. Gary however… I think we have all known a Gary in
our time one way or another.Calvin has a way with words, a wonderful talent which
puts you in to the heart of each and every book and the characters within.
A beautifully told story of tragedy and hope, life and all it can throw at us.
I smiled, I (almost) cried. I truly loved it.
For more reviews please see my blog http://nickibookblog.blogspot.co.uk/
or follow me on Twitter @nickijmurphy1

Amazon Top 1000 reviewer.


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