Flowers Over The Inferno- Ilaria Tuti - Crime
In the late 1970’s a convent is looking after forty, we presume, babies as we are only
told about their cots. The child in cot thirty nine is different from the others, we know
not why. The sisters are instructed not to breathe a word about them to anyone outside
. They are looked after but not cared for. No words, no contact, the sisters faces
covered.  Meanwhile in present day there is a series of violent murders and police
inspector and profiler Teresa Battaglia is called back for the city when the first victim
is found with his face badly damaged. Each victim has been mutilated. Teresa is
fighting her own battles- not least of her health- she is diabetic and also has her
own secret as well as a new inspector to deal with and that in itself is yet another
battle. A mix of old and new, of history (some loosely based on fact) and present
day. Some slightly macabre and some humour. This is a very different crime read.
One with wonderful, vivid descriptions, but not too much to make it long winded
, enough that you can see the scene in full glorious colour. A woman with passion
for her job and a tenacity to rival many, with foresight and determination to keep
her team in check. An interesting read, a memorable read.
One to keep an eye out for.
For more reviews please see my blog http://nickibookblog.blogspot.co.uk/
or follow me on Twitter @nickijmurphy1

Amazon Top 1000 reviewer.


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