Girl A- Abigail Dean-psychological thriller

“Girl A,' she said. ‘The girl who escaped. If anyone was going to make it, it was going to

be you.’

A family of seven children- all but one are tied and neglected. Girl A, Lex, manages

eventually to escape and raise the alarm. we then get two storylines- of the

children as adults and of their life before the neglect. This isn't an easy read i

n places as you can imagine and anyone who has suffered abuse of neglect

may find this triggers memories.. Once discovered the children were adopted

individually by various families. The father had killed himself at the time of

the discovery and the mother was imprisoned. She has now died and they

have come together to sort out her will and the old house.Lex and Evie the

youngest want to make the house something for the community and finally

to do some good after the horrors that went on there. A harsh, stark, well

written and vividly described tale of hardship but also of determination 

and tenacity. A much hyped book with a message- one that should be

read by the oh-so-protected snowflakes- that not every family is

loving and supportive- and no, it's not just in books- this really

happens even now. 

A gritty read and one to contemplate what may happen on the other side. 

For more reviews please see my blog

or follow me on Twitter@nickisbookblog


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