Every Word Tells A Story


Every Word Tells a Story by Tom Read Wilson (illustrations by Ian Morris)

Oh what a real delight

And what a marvellous treat!

An illustrated book about words

That's really incredibly sweet!

Its brilliantly written by Tom

And has wonderful pictures galore

Of how words were founded

Which may make you smile or roar!

From Aardvark right through

To Zodiac and Zoo

Learning for all ages

Right through the pages!

This really is a book written to quote Tom " with oodles of love" both from the author and the fantastic Ian Morris who has done the marvellous illustrations .. I may no longer be a child but I loved each and every page and learnt something new along the way and most certainly had a smile at the pictures. who knew that salary and sausages have a common denominator in salt? 

I can't recommend this highly enough. Its a perfect gift for anyone of any age who is interested in words or reading. For a child or as an excellent coffee table book- something that can be browsed and learn a little whilst sipping any beverage. Loved this beyond measure. 


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