
 Shattered' by Stephanie Carty - psychological thriller

Christie works for Somni, a sleep research organisation. She had a breakdown a while ago and was living with her boyfriend. She left him because of this and now lives in a flat funded by the company. She has her own experience of sleep deprivation and anyone who has suffered this will empathise with the characters' descriptions and understanding of others in the same situation. How it can affect your demeanour, your character and even your conscious behavioural actions. This is a well researched, almost scientific read in parts(but easy to understand). Christie is convinced that she is being followed. Somni has an almost Orwellian big brother presence in its employees' lives, even trying to dictate what they should eat and how certain things should be. If you leave it is rumoured that you won’t get a job anywhere else…Can Christie sort out what is going on both in her own head and in the company before it’s too late?

I found this a fascinating read, especially as I empathised with Christie on sleep deprivation. It's written in the first person and goes through a timeline. A clever premise and one that keeps the reader on their toes not knowing what is real and what isn't. Wow! A book that left me reeling and thinking. We are indeed a kaleidoscope, all the parts and colours if we know how to access them. A brilliantly written book. 

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