No time to Die Andrew Barrett 5*
Oh my life- or Eddies to be more precise. From highs to lows this book has it all.
Eddie has had enough. Enough of being treated badly and not being appreciated.
He has lost his wife and his son and also his best friend. When he is called to a
crime scene he instantly sees it for what it is, only to be called of it and a youngster
take his place who has no experience. He can’t leave things alone and walks.
He returns to the crime scene to give the youngster a heads up, because, well,
that’s Eddie. Meanwhile the gangs of West Yorkshire are up to their usual tricks
and DCS Lisa wants to get rid of them once and for all.
This is written in a wonderful way. Serious when required and a little humour in
others “Detective Chief Inspector Lisa Westmoreland”- Eddies reply- “Do you often
get writer’s cramp? Love it. Andrew has the gift of words and getting across
scenarios to his readers without overdoing things. His characters easily come to life
and you can’t help but quickly take to them. My heart was in my mouth for the last
chapter or so, and all the way through I kept thinking why “Black by Rose”?
I won’t spoil it but wow- what an ending! another brilliantly entertaining read
from Andrew Barrett.
When CSI Eddie Collins finds a dead woman in his house, he thinks life can’t get any worse, until a violent gang ties his hands together and puts a gun to his head. And this time there’s no way out.
Eddie has had enough. Enough of being treated badly and not being appreciated.
He has lost his wife and his son and also his best friend. When he is called to a
crime scene he instantly sees it for what it is, only to be called of it and a youngster
take his place who has no experience. He can’t leave things alone and walks.
He returns to the crime scene to give the youngster a heads up, because, well,
that’s Eddie. Meanwhile the gangs of West Yorkshire are up to their usual tricks
and DCS Lisa wants to get rid of them once and for all.
This is written in a wonderful way. Serious when required and a little humour in
others “Detective Chief Inspector Lisa Westmoreland”- Eddies reply- “Do you often
get writer’s cramp? Love it. Andrew has the gift of words and getting across
scenarios to his readers without overdoing things. His characters easily come to life
and you can’t help but quickly take to them. My heart was in my mouth for the last
chapter or so, and all the way through I kept thinking why “Black by Rose”?
I won’t spoil it but wow- what an ending! another brilliantly entertaining read
from Andrew Barrett.
Book Description:
Operation Domino is the investigation into gang boss, Slade Crosby, and his connection to an undercover officer’s death. But tampered evidence kills the investigation’s progress, and with Eddie gone, Slade is in the clear.
There’s only one way to get Slade in cuffs, but it won’t be easy…
Author Bio:
Andrew Barrett has enjoyed variety in his professional life, from engine-builder to farmer, from Oilfield Service Technician in Kuwait, to his current role of Senior CSI in Yorkshire.
He’s been a CSI since 1996, and has worked on all scene types from terrorism to murder, suicide to rape, drugs manufacture to bomb scenes. One way or another, Andrew’s life revolves around crime.
In 1997 he finished his first crime thriller, A Long Time Dead, and it’s still a readers’ favourite today, some 200,000 copies later, topping the Amazon charts several times. Two more books featuring SOCO Roger Conniston completed the trilogy.
Today, Andrew is still producing high-quality, authentic crime thrillers with a forensic flavour that attract attention from readers worldwide. He’s also attracted attention from the Yorkshire media, having been featured in the Yorkshire Post, and twice interviewed on BBC Radio Leeds.
He’s best known for his lead character, CSI Eddie Collins, and the acerbic way in which he roots out criminals and administers justice. Eddie’s series is four books and two short stories in length, and there’s still more to come.
Andrew is a proud Yorkshireman and sets all of his novels there, using his home city of Leeds as another major, and complementary, character in each of the stories.
Contact: andrew@andrewbarrett.co.uk Website: http://www.andrewbarrett.co.uk /
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AndrewBarr ettUK
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Andre wBarrett.author
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