The Afterlife of Walter Augustus- Hannah Lynn
Augustus is a farrier in eighteenth century England. He has also taken to writing in a
notebook his wife has saved her housekeeping in order to buy him. One day, one of
his customers takes the notebook and later gives him the surprise of his life.
The thing is that Walter is now in his afterlife and can move between periods of time.
His time is coming to an end here as his last relative on earth is about to pass.
The afterlife smells of cut grass and clean washing. I think that sentence will stay
with me always - one that transcends the passage of time. Meanwhile in the
present day, Lettie is the manager of a shoe shop. She also makes celebration
cakes for family and friends and lives happily with her husband who all his life
has insisted that he pays for things and that she saves her wages “to buy herself
something nice”. The thing is that Lettie has a secret - one she has been trying
to tell Donald for many years. One about her “need” to save. The story
alternates between Lettie and Walter stories and Walter trying to do “occupancy”.
I took to Lettie especially. Walter had something about him, a certain good
hearted naivety maybe, that certain innocence about what he was trying to do,
whilst being of the kindest heart. I loved this and there are some wise words in
the final chapters. An unusual read, an enjoyable read and one to remember.
For more reviews please see my blog
or follow me on Twitter @nickijmurphy1

Authior Bio:
Hannah Lynn was born in 1984 and grew up in the Cotswolds, UK. After graduating from
university, she spent ten years as a teacher of physics, first in the UK and then around Asia.
It was during this time, inspired by the imaginations of the young people she taught,
she began writing short stories for children, and later adult fiction. Her first novel,
Amendments, was published in 2015, her latest novel, The Afterlife of Walter
Augustus, is out July 2018. Now as a teacher, writer, wife and mother, she
is currently living in the Austrian Alps.
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