I Witness- Niki Mackay *5*
OMG. If you want to a book to make you sit on the edge of your seat feeling slightly
anxious then this is it! Kate was found with her hands on the body of her friend Naomi
and a knife close by. She later confessed but all the while said “it was the wrong person
- it looked like her but it wasn’t”. She was found by Madison who was in the police force
and who is now a PI. Having served her sentence Kate arrives on Madison’s doorstep
asking her to look at things as she now believes that she was an innocent party.
Having moved back to the area of the crime, Kate is not only a well known figure but
one not wanted in those parts, most of all by Naomi's mother who now hates her for
killing her daughter. Kate’s family have their own issues. Her father hasn’t spoken to
her since the trial but is happy to fund her, her sister suffers mental issues and is in
and out of hospitals and her brother , now married, although he wrote to her never
visited Kate in the six years she was inside. Madison has her own issues which starts
the book off. She sees her daughter under supervision. Why we don’t find out until
much later in the book. There is something about this which draws you in and keeps
you there. A plot and a subplot, enough to keep your brain ticking over nicely
without too much stress but enough to keep focused. I wanted to like Madison but
had that feeling that she was hiding something. Kate, I felt for. Coming out of prison
to a dysfunctional family who had shunned her and wanted her at arm’s length whilst
keeping an eye on her at the same time. Reading this made me slightly anxious,
wanting to read that little bit faster to find out who and why. Brilliantly written
to captivate the reader and keep you there inveigled in the plot as if it was
personal. One stunning read.
For more reviews please see my blog http://nickibookblog.blogspot.co.uk/
or follow me on Twitter @nickijmurphy1
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