Inside The Whispers AJ Waines
Dr  Samantha  Willerby is  a clinical psychologist specialising in  Post Traumatic Stress
disorder. Her sister suffers from schizophrenia and has been in various homes for most
of her life.When she arrives on the doorstep “between” homes, Sam is pleased to see
her but rather put out at the same time. She is in the fledgling stages of a romance with
an actor and doesn’t want anything to come between them. That said there is something
about Con that she can’t quite put her finger on. She bumps into a surgeon- quite
literally- and finds that she is able to talk to him about life more than anyone. His wife is
in the last stages of leukaemia  and they build a friendship. When two of her patients
tell of a horrendous fire on the underground and things don’t add up, Sam investigates.
I liked Sam from the outset, and understanding PTSD myself this drew me in and I
wasn’t disappointed. For anyone not in the know, PTSD is not just for those returning
from battle (as I once thought). It is replaying any scenario that has caused trauma.
The “what if’s” and “should have’s” we all go through play out in the mind and horrors
are re-lived or new ones created by sometimes the slightest apparently insignificant
trigger. This is described well and sympathetically written. I loved the concept of this
and found it very engaging. I really couldn’t see where it was going. If you like a bit
of psychology/medicine and rather more than “just” a story I would highly
recommend this. A truly wonderful, brilliant read.
For more reviews please see my blog

or follow me on Twitter @nickijmurphy1

nside the Whispers blurb
The most dangerous place is inside your own head…

Dr Samantha Willerby, a specialist in Post Traumatic Stress, has never seen anything like this before. Following a fire on the London Underground, three survivors seek her help - but although unmistakably traumatised, their stories don’t match the facts. Are they ‘faking it’? Sam’s confusion turns to horror when one by one, instead of recovering, they are driven to suicide. 

When her lover, Conrad, begins to suffer the same terrifying flashbacks, Sam is desperate to find out what’s causing them. As a mysterious and chilling conspiracy begins to unravel the nightmares begin for Sam…

About the Author
AJ Waines is a number one bestselling author, topping the entire UK and Australian Kindle Charts in two consecutive years, with Girl on a Train. Following fifteen years as a psychotherapist, the author is now a full-time novelist with publishing deals in UK, France, Germany, Norway, Hungary and Canada (audio books).

Her fourth psychological thriller, No Longer Safe, sold over 30,000 copies in the first month, in thirteen countries. AJ Waines has been featured in The Wall Street Journal and The Times and has been ranked a Top 10 UK author on Amazon KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing).

She lives in Hampshire, UK, with her husband. Find her books here and visit her website and blog, or join her on TwitterFacebook or on her Newsletter.

Her next thriller, Lost in the Lake, will be re-released by Bloodhound Books on 24 October 2018.

Author Social Media Links:
Find AJ Waines books at:

Twitter:         @AJWaines



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