Magic O’Clock + -Magical Memories by L.S. Fellows
Two short coffee break read (20 mins each) to put your heart and mind in a different
Magic O’clock
Archie is in his seventies amd is in a residential care home being totally looked after as
dementia has sadly taken over his brain. However at 3 o’clock each afternoon he appears
to come to life. He walks that bit better. he stands that bit taller as he walks to the
conservatory to tell his daily story. His daughter sits on the sidelines hidden knowing
he will neither recognise her not acknowledge her presence. Archie is a troy teller to
behold- he paints pictures and raises emotions and many a smile with his words.

Magic O’Clock: Archie Royle is a kind, funny, gentle man. He’s also my dad. My storyteller. My hero. Except he doesn’t remember my face any more. His world, these days, doesn’t include me or his family. Life may have changed for him, but he hasn’t given up on life. Not at all. It’s just different. Dad still tells his stories, albeit for a new audience. He makes people smile and chuckle. As he always did. He’s a fighter, a survivor and maybe sometimes too clever for his own good! He’ll surprise you.
I can assure you of that. Welcome to Magic O’Clock, where time is irrelevant and hope is unlimited. Magic O’Clock - buy link: Amazon - (universal) http://getbook.at/MagicOClock Other eretailers (Kobo, B&N, Apple) : https://www.books2read.com/MOC

Magic O’Clock: Archie Royle is a kind, funny, gentle man. He’s also my dad. My storyteller. My hero. Except he doesn’t remember my face any more. His world, these days, doesn’t include me or his family. Life may have changed for him, but he hasn’t given up on life. Not at all. It’s just different. Dad still tells his stories, albeit for a new audience. He makes people smile and chuckle. As he always did. He’s a fighter, a survivor and maybe sometimes too clever for his own good! He’ll surprise you.
I can assure you of that. Welcome to Magic O’Clock, where time is irrelevant and hope is unlimited. Magic O’Clock - buy link: Amazon - (universal) http://getbook.at/MagicOClock Other eretailers (Kobo, B&N, Apple) : https://www.books2read.com/MOC

Magical memories.
Archie is now in his final hours, pneumonia having grabbed him for the final furlong.
His youngest daughter rushes to the home having called her two older siblings who
live further away. She gets there in time and is able to tell him of a fond memory as
he takes his final breath. There is the inevitable squabbling over funeral arrangements
but sense wins the day and Archie is given the send off he deserved. Someone loved
and remembered by one and all.
These are two difficult subjects to not only read about but to write and have been
done in an exceptional way and will touch anyone who has lost a much loved parent.
This evokes memories amongst the emotions which range from tears to immense
smiles. I could imagine Archie and his stories- we have all come across those real
characters occasionally and we fondly remember them . A real treasure of a read.
For more reviews please see my blog http://nickibookblog.blogspot.co.uk/
or follow me on Twitter @nickijmurphy1
Magical Memories As Archie Royle takes his final breath, three sisters race to say their goodbyes. Two don’t make it in time. I do. And now, it’s all my fault they’re too late. Despite him having dementia. Despite them not visiting in over a month. But I won’t let anger win. After all, we’re all grieving, aren’t we? Surely, as a family, we can let bygones be bygones. It’s what Dad would want. Expect. It’s what he deserves. We have so much to be grateful for. So many fond and magical memories to share. Magical Memories is a fictional tale of loss, grief and moving on. Purchase Link - http://getbook.at/MagicMem
Author Bio – Despite being born in England, my heart now lies in Spain. Many moons ago,
I was a student in Granada, Spain. I loved it so much and swore I would return one day on
a more permanent basis. In 2003, I did just that. Now, as a fur-mum to two adorable but mischievous mutts, in my free time I can usually be
spotted with my nose in a book, armed with just the teeniest chunk of chocolate and a
zillion pomegranates!
Social Media Links –
Facebook: www.facebook.com/LFWrites
Twitter: @lfwrites - https://twitter.com/lfwrites
Website/Blog: https://just4mybooks.wordpress.com
Amazon Author Page: amazon.com/author/lsfellows
Magical Memories As Archie Royle takes his final breath, three sisters race to say their goodbyes. Two don’t make it in time. I do. And now, it’s all my fault they’re too late. Despite him having dementia. Despite them not visiting in over a month. But I won’t let anger win. After all, we’re all grieving, aren’t we? Surely, as a family, we can let bygones be bygones. It’s what Dad would want. Expect. It’s what he deserves. We have so much to be grateful for. So many fond and magical memories to share. Magical Memories is a fictional tale of loss, grief and moving on. Purchase Link - http://getbook.at/MagicMem
I was a student in Granada, Spain. I loved it so much and swore I would return one day on
a more permanent basis. In 2003, I did just that. Now, as a fur-mum to two adorable but mischievous mutts, in my free time I can usually be
spotted with my nose in a book, armed with just the teeniest chunk of chocolate and a
zillion pomegranates!
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