The Chain- Adrian McKinty-psychological thriller
Rachel is due to go to her oncologist having had a call that they want to see her
following some blood tests. She is feeling much better and hopes that she is on
the road to recovery. What she didn’t expect on the way was a phone call that
changed her life. She was told that her daughter Kylie had been kidnapped on her
way to school, and that in order to release her she has to do certain things. One of
which will be to kidnap the loved one of someone she chooses in order to continue
the chain. Her every move is being monitored. She has to find $25,000 before she
can start and she will then be given instructions how to continue. Wow! This book
hooks you in from the very start, even before you get to know much about the
characters, the plot line is so strong. You are not only the victim but forced into
being the next perpetrator. Remember getting chain letters which if you didn’t
send it on something dreadful was going to happen? Think on a larger scale and
read on. A world where we track ourselves through social media minute by minute
but maybe not think that there are GPS trackers that can be put in childrens shoes
. A tense, brilliantly written read that I couldn’t help reading “just one more chapter” .
A very cleverly thought out intriguing  plot which is a little dark at times, wonderful
characters and one I think will be talked about for a very long time.
This would make an excellent film. 5* all the way. “It’s not about the money
it’s about the Chain”.
For more reviews please see my blog http://nickibookblog.blogspot.co.uk/

or follow me on Twitter @nickisbookblog


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