The Lies We Tell- Niki MacKay-Crime/psychological thriller
Miriam is married to a famous film producer Nick,who spends most of his time in the
USA. She is successful herself having a show on a radio station and so the pair are seen
as local celebrities. Her first love was Ben who she bumped into again a few weeks ago
which brought back memories of when they were young and of his step sister Ruby
who sadly died at a rave. Miriam’s daughter Tabitha has gone missing- something she
has done once before and someone at the police station told the press and because of
the couples fame the press went mad. This time she is not staying at her friends, and
she has skipped school despite Miriam having seen in in her uniform for the
appropriate days. Miriam reports it to the police but also hires a private investigator,
Madison, in order to get things moving along quicker. We are told the story from
several characters viewpoints and also from that of Ruby in 1994. There are two
stories interwoven. That of Tabitha having gone missing and Ruby’s story from the
past. One to keep you turning the pages and a few surprises along the way.
A well written crime novel that had me gripped.
For more reviews please see my blog http://nickibookblog.blogspot.co.uk/
or follow me on Twitter@nickisbookblog
Madison Attallee, ex-police officer turned Private Investigator, returns to solve a missing-daughter case that is not as it might seem . . .
Miriam Jackson is a famous radio presenter. Married to a successful film director, she has created the perfect life for herself.
Then her daughter goes missing.
Miriam is desperate to find her before her husband finds out and her perfect life crumbles around her. So she calls the only person who can help: Private Investigator Madison Attallee, who has just solved the biggest case of her career.
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