Backstories- Simon Van Der Velde - Literary Fiction

This is a book of short stories each with a fictional theme of a well known

person. Guitars (which you can read on

tells of one part of a famous singing duo. Past time tells of a woman, the POC

who defiantely remained seated at a time when POC by law had to stand

if a causcausian required a seat.  Some of the stories we are almost told

who they are, others we have to work out for ourselves. From Historical

figures through serial killers to dictators and icons . There is an element

of trying to work out which each is about before any clue as to the reveal.

some I guessed, some I didn't and some took a little more thought. Some

I got early on, others I found myself covering the last line hoping I was

right and that's where the final clue would be. (The answers are on the

website but don't peek!)

It's an eclectic mix which works really well and the whole thing is engaging

and well written with that added pique of interest and fun as to whom

each one is about. I loved this- it's fun but very much with meaning and

a message. Of thinking about others and being considerate and above

all else #bekind.

For more reviews please see my blog

or follow me on Twitter@nickisbookblog


Publication Date: 25th March 2021 Price: Kindle – £2.99, Paperback – £7.99, Audible – £6.39 Genres: Literary fiction, short stories, biographical fiction, myster y,contemporary fiction, recent cultural history.Themes: Diversity, nostalgia, music, crime, social justice. Blurb :Dreamers, singers, talkers and killers; they can dazzle with their beauty or their talent or their unmitigated evil, but inside themselves they are as frail and desperate as the rest of us. But can you see them? Can you unravel thetruth? These are people you know, but not as you know them.Peel back the mask and see. Synopsis : Backstories is a unique collection of stories each told from the point of view of a famous,(or notorious) person at a pivotal moment in their lives. The writing is literary but accessible and the voices vividly real. The settings are mostly 60's and 70's UK and USA, and the driving themes are inclusion, social justice and of course, nostalgia - but the real key to these stories is that the protagonists' identities are withheld. This means that your job is to find them, leading to that Eureka moment when you realise who's mind

Simon Van der Velde has worked variously as a barman, labourer, teacher, caterer and lawyer, as well as travelling throughout Europe and South America collecting characters and insights for his award-winning stories. Since completing a creative writing M.A. (with distinction) in 2010, Simon’s work has won and been shortlisted for numerous awards including; The Yeovil Literary Prize, (twice), The Wasafiri New Writing Prize, The Luke Bitmead Bursary, The Frome Shortstory Prize, The Harry Bowling Prize, The Henshaw Press Short Story Competition and The National Association of Writers’ Groups Open Competition - establishing him as one of the UK’s foremost short-story writers. Simon now lives in Newcastle upon Tyne, England, with his wife, Nicola, their labradoodle, Barney and two tyrannical children.
AUTHOR’S QUEST “Whatever happened to, all of the heroes” The Stranglers 1977 I was twelve years old when I first heard this song and although there was something in the feral tone that grabbed me, I didn’t really understand it. I do now. I get the angst and the loss and the emptiness, which why, in Backstories, I aim to answer the question. So join me on my quest, and together we’ll uncover the fears and passions and prejudices that made our heroes what they were, and perhaps catch a glimpse of ourselves along the way. Whatever happened to all of the heroes? They turned out to be human beings, in all their diverse glory. Simon Van der Velde January, 2021 ps. I am proud to be sharing 30% of all profits from Backstories with Friends of the Earth, Stop Hate UK and The North-East Autism Society. See for further details.

Q & A: By Kate Horsley, Editor of Crimeculture Magazine

The good news is that Backstories looks set be your real

breakthrough book. But tell me, Simon, what makes Backstories so


Hi Kate, Backstories is a collection of stories with a famous, (or

infamous) person hidden in every one. They are all characters you

know, or as the tag-line says, characters you think you know – but

what makes the reading experience so unique is that I don’t tell you

who they are. This means your job is to find them. That’s the game.

It’s what gives you that Eureka moment of discovery, when you realise

who’s mind you’ve been living inside for the last twenty minutes. It is

also what gives these stories their particular resonance.

What do you mean by, ‘their particular resonance’?

What I mean is – I could’ve just told you a straight biographical story

about some little known moment in the character’s life, but if I tell you,

here’s a story about – Madonna, for example, you will inevitably bring

your preconceptions with you into the story. By withholding her name,

I can take you on a journey into the life of a young Italian American

girl, show you her difficulties and anxieties and drives and allow you

to rediscover her wholly anew – which in turn means that when you

do realise her identity, your existing view of Madonna is overlaid onto

your fresh insight into the character in the story. This leaves you with

two different but equally valid truths to take away - and that is the

source of Backstories’ resonance.

Who are these characters?

Most of them are my childhood heroes, (and villains), famous people

from when I was a kid and even from a little before. For me, there’s

something about people from an earlier time that carry an extra aura of

mystery, and makes unravelling them all the more compelling.

What led you to write Backstories?

It began with an urge to understand my heroes, to cut through the

shiny, public image bullshit and get to something more meaningful -

and maybe get back in touch with how it felt to be seventeen.

The real trigger though, was going to see a musician from way back

when. The truth is I was a bit concerned. Would he still be any good?

Or just a bit sad? I mean the guy’s well into his seventies.

In fact, he was utterly and completely brilliant. Great voice, great music

and above all, great honesty. That gig was my inspiration for this book,

and for anything I write. To get to the emotional truth.

So the next day put aside my novel and wrote a little piece about this

guy’s life. That might’ve been that, but my wife, Nikki loved it. I told

her there was no market for short-stories, but of course, as happens far

too often in our house, she was right and I was wrongIs there any point

to Backstories, beyond just entertainment?

In fact, Kate, there are two. Entertaining people is, I think, a valid reason for any book – but as I say, the point for me is always to seek emotional truth, and the two things are, of course linked. There’s nothing more compelling than heartfelt truth – and nothing more utterly tedious that fakery. Clearly, the truth of people is that we’re very much closer to our childhood selves than we like to believe. Really, we’re all just kids - with a thin veneer laid on top – fighting our childhood battles over and over again. Why is Trump a narcissist? Why is Elon Musk obsessed with outer-space? Why was Janis Joplin so unable to cope with stardom? Psychology 101 tells us that the answer lies in their childhood – what Backstories does, is, make that truth 'explode into the reader’s consciousness’* (as someone said). And that’s the point. I want to make you feel this truth, rather than merely understand it. Beyond that, of course, there’s another obvious truth that I highlight through the revelation of these characters – that black or white, gay or straight, neuro-typical or not, whoever we are in the great diverse spectrum of life that is who we’re meant to be. We’re all human beings, and with a little effort and a willingness to put aside preconceptions, we can all be understood. That, in turn, is why my characters are so deliberately diverse. So you're saying you write from the point of view of BAME characters? Isn't that rather presumptuous, to claim to speak for them? In a way, yes, I guess it is – but that’s my job as a writer, to step into other people’s shoes – and lives – and minds. I need to do that in order to say what I need to say. So no, I don’t buy the idea that I, as a white man can’t write black or female characters, for example. On the other hand, I acknowledge that, in the shadow of history, I have a duty to do so sensitively and respectfully, and above all to do a good job – and I’ve worked hard to achieve that. Hard as I’ve tried though, I do acknowledge that there’ll always be somebody who might be upset by my writing – and that’s their right. The safest, easiest course might be to avoid controversy of any sort, but then what? All I can ever write about is the experience of being a white, middle-aged man. That doesn’t interest me. Growing up as one of a few hundred Jews in the north of England, I feel I understand prejudice and the damage that it does – and that’s why I have something of value to say about it. In the end, if I have made presumptions, at least let me say that they are sincerely held. And you're giving 30% of all profits from Backstories to charity?

Yes, I’m really proud to be sharing 30% of all profits from Backstories between Stop Hate UK, The North-East Autism Society and Friends of the Earth. Stop Hate UK came out of the murder of Stephen Lawrence, and Baroness Lawrence’s response to such wickedness with education is just humbling. I have great admiration for her. I should also add to an element of guilt. There are criminals amongst the characters in my book, and whilst crime is compelling on page, it is anything but that in

real life – so I felt giving to Stop Hate UK was a meaningful way to show respect for the victims and their families.

My second charity is The North-East Autism Society. This is more personal. My twelve-year-old son is autistic. That’s why I feel I have to give voice to autistic people who are so badly misunderstood. Autistic people’s brains work differently from the rest of us. This means that they have a lot to offer - Bill Gates is autistic, Albert Einstein and probably Leonardo Da Vinci, amongst many, many others - but because they are different, autistic people can sometimes find our chaotic world so stressful that they just can’t function, and all that potential is lost. So if only for reasons of self-interest, we need to understand and listen to the autistic community - not least, Greta Thunberg. Which brings me to my third charity – Friends of the Earth – because without the Earth, obviously - nothing else matters...

And finally, Simon - what’s next? As you know, Backstories II will be out in summer, with work in progress on Backstories Crime, Backstories Jews, Blackstories, Backstories History and Backstories Musicians. I feel that the variety in Backstories adds an element of surprise to the stories, but equally, I understand that for real music aficionados, (for example), there’s an advantage in having all their heroes in one place – so hopefully, there’ll be something for everyone. Lots to look forward to. Thanks so much for your time, Simon - and from a personal view, having read the proof of Backstories, I can’t wait to get my hands on


The Guitar: No doubt about it, he was a bright kid, talented even. He was

quick on his feet and with his mouth too, and he could smack a baseball out

of the park. But he was a Jew, and he was short. I mean like really short.

The kid was the size of your average third grader when he was twelve years

old. When he was taking those first steps towards manhood. When it

mattered most.

And this was back in the fifties, with Sinatra top of the charts, John

Wayne High and Mighty on the big screen and New York thrusting itself

into the heavens, one skyscraper taller than the next. It was a one-size-fitsall

sort of time, but it didn’t fit him.

Think you can name this guy? Then enter the Backstories Challenge at for your chance to win a copy of this brilliant

new collection.

Not sure? No problem. Visit to claim the rest

of this story for free. The Guitar is available in both print and audio formats,

to enjoy as you please.


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