Circle of Betrayal by Ruth O’Neill psychological thriller

Lena and Sean are expecting their first child when Lena feels that something is

amiss- as if someone is following her. At her work as a school teacher she has

to discipline a pupil in an exam for cheating and he threatens to get her back.

Taking a couple of days leave to get over this she then receives a strange

package with a doll and a chilling message which she hurriedly throws away.

When later on she tells Sean about it there is nothing in the dustbin, it's as

if she has imagined it. Sean meanwhile has a secret, something he hasn't

told Lena or anyone in his current life. It's something he tried to get away

from for many years but now he can do little about it. He has a plan, more

than one woman and is determined not to let anything get in his way.

This is a page turning read and one I enjoyed. Lena was likeable and my one

only very small criticism is that I thought Ethan was rather easily dissuaded

- perhaps the naivety of youth? A good solid plot line that kept and built

tension especially towards the end and kept me within the pages. Chapters

are told from different characters points of view and sometimes the same

event giving an all round perspective. An enjoyable read with a twist.

For more reviews please see my blog

or follow me on Twitter@nickisbookblog


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